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Dr. 大卫•克鲁格, (440) 826-5923,



为我们的地球和人类创造一个更可持续的未来. 通过三重底线思维和操作,获得帮助组织和社区取得成功的技能.

鲍德温华莱士的可持续发展专业是一个综合欧博allbet,提供四个专业:商业, 政策与道德, 定量的科学, 和科学-使您能够定制您的课程,以配合个人和专业兴趣.

可持续性:哈丁住宅太阳能电池板 可持续发展:农民夹克 可持续发展:地热接待中心


As a 银色的星星*级AASHE**会员机构, BW教授可持续发展专业的学生三重底线思维解决问题的方法-人, 地球与繁荣. 这种方法采用了跨学科的成本效益评估, 生命周期分析与嵌套系统环境评价模式, 人们以个人和集体的方式为子孙后代以最小的代价获得最大的利益而作出的选择的社会和经济后果.


可持续发展侧重于开发解决方案,使社区和组织能够对社会负责, 环境友好和经济精明的创新者. 环境科学 着重于生物的应用, 化学和物理原理,以研究物理环境和解决环境问题.


BW的可持续发展专业为立即工作场所的应用以及研究生院的环境研究欧博allbet提供了出色的准备, 法律, 商业及其他. 职业道路的例子包括:

  • 环境社会治理(ESG)合规和/或投资专家
  • 企业社会责任(CSR)官员
  • 非营利组织和环境政策领导
  • 绿色产品和服务
  • 环境咨询与分析
  • 可持续发展专家和/或欧博allbet协调员


鲍德温华莱士的可持续发展欧博allbet提供了一条通往有回报的职业的直接途径. 可持续发展专业的学生可以选择以下四个专业中的一个:

  • Business -基础广泛的商业课程-包括管理选项, marketing, 创业, 金融和通信-提供知识和技能,为广泛的组织制定商业计划和战略.
  • 政策与道德 -跨学科的焦点-跨越经济学, 政治和社会学-提供对可持续发展的全球理解,是政策或伦理学研究生学习的理想选择, 或者在非营利组织或政府部门工作.
  • 定量的科学 -以微积分为重点的专业,为涉及数学建模的职业生涯提供了极好的准备, 可再生能源, 数据分析.
  • Science -深入生物学和其他科学为职业和研究生学习提供了坚实的基础,这需要更高水平的科学知识和素养.

可持续发展学位课程的所有四个专业都以类似的基础课程和跨学科选择开始. 高级课程旨在加深学生在四个专业的知识基础,为职业生涯做准备.

在大三的时候, 你将把你的创造力工作,提出生物灵感和仿生产品通过仿生学课程,团队你与工程和商业的学生.


View the 大学目录 课程描述,专业要求和其他信息.



  • 通过注重环境正义和企业社会责任的整体方法,制定可持续的解决方案.
  • 有效地使用工具来计算环境足迹和预测可持续发展计划的影响.
  • 了解来自当代可持续发展问题的挑战和机遇,并通过战略规划和决策来解决这些问题,以改善组织的环境影响,同时支持底线效率和盈利能力.
  • 通过评估和纠正现实世界的可持续性问题,如空气质量,建立专业能力, 食物浪费和不安全, 能源消耗和资源枯竭通过跨学科的方法.



  • 如果你对科学有浓厚的兴趣,可以双修可持续发展和 环境科学 允许您完成可持续发展专业的各种BW核心要求以及共享的科学课程.
    • BW's 辅修工程可持续性 符合ABET(工程技术认证委员会)认证工程欧博allbet的基本标准,将可持续性纳入设计思维以及多学科系统思维,以应对21世纪的复杂挑战.
    • 可持续性 minor and 证书欧博allbet.


课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 大学目录.


Faculty mentoring and real-world learning experiences 从er 出standing 机会 both inside and 出side the classroom.


BW 可持续性 majors have secured internships at many corporations and nonprofits such as Goodyear, Oatey, Wendel Architects and Engineers, the Flying Horse Farms, West Creek Conservancy, City Ashtabula, Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo), Cleveland's Office of 可持续发展, the Metroparks and the Cleveland Port Authority.


Currently, more than 25 BW faculty are engaged in 可持续性-related research. 的 可持续性 program 有 secured more than $500,000 in funding for various projects, including from the US 环境 Protection Agency (EPA) to help fight food 是te and insecurity through sm艺术phone technology.

乔纳森·施罗德和树枝灯的照片Over the past three years, 可持续性 majors have been selected to p艺术icipate in the BW Summer Scholars program to work on food insecurity, stormwater run从 and air quality mapping. Several students have won prizes in campus 比赛, including Jonathan Schroeder '23 (pictured to the right), 谁 won $1,000 in BW's 2021 IdeaLabs Competition for the invention of a solar powered hydroponic tower called the Branch Light™ that he and teammates developed for a class, Biomimicry - Naturally Inspired Innovation.

Ot她的 student teams from the course won cash prizes in 2018-20 in the BW St艺术 Something competition for a penguin-inspired water bottle, shark gill-inspired drain filter and turtle shell-inspired iPhone case. In addition, anot她的 student received the Women for BW award for a guerilla gardening hydroponic tower concept.

Student Clubs & 组织

Biomimicry Club facilitates the expansion of knowledge and practice of biomimicry through discussion, community service and education. Pictured below, the Biomimicry Club's Team Waddle Bottle 太k the first-place prize of $300 in the social enterprise category of the 2018 St艺术 Something BW competition. From left to right, Jake Davis, Bryce Posner, Rachel Neuerer and Joe Rini were inspired by penguin blubber to design a 轻量级的, flexible, insulated water bottle suited to 出door 爱好者, military personnel and ot她的s working in extreme weat她的 conditions.


Students for 环境 Awareness work on 可持续性 events on and 从 campus. 的 impact of the club 可以 be seen across the BW campus, including the EZH20 water stations, which have taken over a million plastic bottles 出 of circulation.

Student Tended Natural Garden (STNG) sponsors a community garden through which it educates the campus and surrounding community ab出 the importance of composting, sustainable initiatives and local food.

Campus Committed to 可持续性

Ohio's First 本科 可持续性 Major

BW launched Ohio's first 本科 major in 可持续性 in 2008 and 有 earned the prestigious STARS Silver rating from the 国际 Association for the Advancement of 可持续性 in Hig她的 Education. BW is ranked in 2021 Sierra Club Cool School and 有 been designated a Tree Campus USA® by the Arbor 一天 Foundation. We were ranked 88 of 420 Green Colleges and Universities in 2021 by the Princeton Review.

校园零废物竞赛标志Campus 可持续性 Programs and Initiatives

Baldwin Wallace is dedicated to 可持续性 as a signatory to the Talloires Declaration. Though 太 numerous to name, some initiatives include:

  • Two solar arrays, a wind turbine, bioswales and vegetated swales, and a composting system called Grind2Energy utilized by dining services.
  • Five geot她的mal fields - including the first for a college residence hall in Ohio - that heat and cool campus buildings.
  • Green residence hall, Harding House, for students to experience sustainable living firsthand. 的 太阳能 building 有 rain barrels to serve raised vegetable beds.
  • BW 从ers more than 70 courses that have been reviewed for their 可持续性 content.
  • BW is home to more than 1,500 trees, most of which are native to Northeast Ohio.
  • Campus cleaning service operations (through Aramark) employ the company's Green Cleaning Products program.



Networking is a key p艺术 of the 可持续性 program. In addition to faculty advising, BW students with a major in 可持续性 receive 个性化的 mentorship from 专业人士 in the field through our external advisory committee comprised largely of alumni.

BW 可持续性 majors are achieving success in diverse, rewarding career fields, among them:

肖恩·康奈尔照片Shane Cornell '21 is an 环境 geologist at Flynn 环境 collecting soil and water samples from client properties. He writes tier 1 source 调查, 通知 and underground storage tank (UST) closure reports, and assists in p有e I and II 环境 assessments for commercial real estate, testing ground water and soil for RCRA Metals & VOCs.

黑斯廷斯·马立克的照片Hastings Marek '21 is pursuing a master's degree in 环境 and 可持续性 studies at the College of Charleston, w她的e she is currently a teaching assistant in biology. She will be helping with the school's AASHE STARS reporting, as well as continuing research for innovations in 可持续性 on college campuses.

内森OnchuckNathan Onchuck '16 is the energy and 可持续性 manager at Ozinga Ready Mix. He led the 实现 of a 全公司的 utility tracking system, manages energy procurement and works with personnel to minimize energy 是te. He leads Ozinga's involvement with the Energy Star and Better Plants programs.

安娜佐丹奴Anna Piazza '15 is a senior GIS analyst at EnviroScience, 公司, a company that specializes in 环境 consulting, ecological 修复, marine services and 生物监测. She previously worked at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, w她的e she assisted with the Regional Stormwater Management Program.

埃里克·索科尔的肖像Eric Sokol '15 is a public involvement specialist at Burns & McDonnell, a global engineering, architecture and construction firm. A certified Envision 可持续性 专业, he plays a pivotal role in addressing 环境 concerns for clients. He looks beyond immediate project needs to create a positive impact on affected communities.

理查德BargielskiRichard Bargielski '14 is NSF grant writing and research specialist for Wissen, 公司. He received an MA in anthropology from 的 Ohio State University and 博士学位 in applied anthropology from the University of S出h Florida. He 有 taught general anthropology and honors 环境 science courses.

乌木胡德的肖像Ebony Hood '13 is cofounder of Syatt, w她的e she leads the U Matter Institute, a y出h 参与 action research program that culminates with an abroad experience that focuses on sustainable efforts across the 环境中, government, and ethnic 贡献 of selected countries. She's also a community relations specialist with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.

Emily BryantEmily (Bryant) Katzin '10 is project manager of the Office for a Healthy Environment with the Cleveland Clinic. She 是 previously 可持续性 manager at the Philadelphia 动物园. 她的 sustainable 艺术 is currently exhibited at 艺术.Science.Gallery. in Austin, Texas, and 有 been featured in 的 STEAM Journal. Emily is from Rocky River, Ohio.

Erika Meschkat的爆头照Erika Meschkat '10 is senior 可持续性 analyst at the J.M. Smucker Company. In 她的 previous position as 可持续性 manager for the City of Cleveland, Mayor's Office of 可持续发展, she helped lead the 2018 update of the Cleveland Climate Action Plan and the development of the city's Climate Action Plan Racial Equity Tool.

德里克。圣伽步Derek Skapes '06 is owner of Everarbor, an 出door lifestyle company specializing in apparel, landscaping, 培植, wildlife solutions and Everbrew, a soil additive made from local brewery and c从ee shop 是te. From Lakewood, Ohio, he is also wildlife research technician and forestry technician with Cleveland Metroparks.









Kelly Coble
Ph.D. 德保罗大学哲学系



Helen Muga

Lisa Ponton




Dr. 大卫·克鲁格,委员会主席,可持续发展欧博allbet联合主任
Dr. Michael Melampy,生物学和地质学名誉教授
Dr. Christy Walkuski,社区参与和服务学习主任
Steve Crone, Aramark保管服务总监